Health and wellbeing at work

We’ve all heard the stats. Poor wellbeing is costing the economy billions each year and millions of work days are being lost due to mental health problems.

Health and wellbeing isn’t about stats. It’s about people. And unless there is a firm foundation of good health and wellbeing –

sustainable & ethical high levels of performance are impossible.

We owe it to each other, as human beings, to care for each others’ health. If you’re also serious about human performance, then fundamentally healthy people are an essential part of that too.

Despite recent increased focus on mental health, there’s still a long way to go to ensure organisations, their leaders and frontline team members are part of and are co-creating a culture that drives ‘healthy profits’. Profits which are not at the detriment to the health and wellbeing of their “most valued resource”, their people.

Introducing Adam Morris – founder of BelievePerform.

Adam is a qualified CBT practitioner and mental health expert; he’s the creator of some of the worlds most shared content relating to health and wellbeing advice. Adam and BelievePerform are part of the PlanetK2 group. A specialised culture change who help CEOs prioritise wellbeing to improve results.

For too long, wellbeing strategy has been limited to desert trolleys and obligatory speakers during that week where we’re all meant to be really serious about our mental health, I forget what it’s called.

Adam’s work focuses on 3 areas critical for serious, sustainable and long-lasting change:

1. Does the business have a shared view of the wellbeing culture they want to create and are senior leaders ready to think, act and behave in a way to make it so?

2. Are managers ready to support the change and play their part in the culture? And do they have the relevant tools and skills to make that a practical and real possibility?

3. Does everyone on the front line have the knowledge, tools and skills to think, prepare and perform in such a way that not only protects their wellbeing but enhances it?

It’s more than adhoc feel good events, it’s a strategy and approach steeped in evidence.

If you believe that healthy teams drive healthy profits too then drop us a line and we’ll connect you with Adam.