Maximizing Results through Effective Team Development

What is Team Development? We all know the importance of continuous development in our own role at work. Having a commitment to getting better at the things that add most value in our roles has many benefits. The same things are true for Team Performance - in order to keep…
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Leading in times of uncertainty

Leading in times of uncertainty

The lack of resolution to Brexit, whatever your politics, has been causing huge interference for the UK as a whole. Coupled with the upcoming election, it's not just noisy out there, it's like a Christmas jumper with a light up Rudolph nose, in March...that still plays jingle bells incessantly. Even…
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Only dead fish go with the flow…

The title of the post is an excellent example of the stream of nonsense that you get on twitter which you can just imagine being regurgitated in the work place by a leader thinking they're adding value by wisely using this platitude themselves. If glib phrases and truisms were the…
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