Vacant or Engaged?

If such a thing happened, you can be sure that this kind of direct biofeedback for your colleagues about your state of concentration would do a lot for making sure that you remained engaged in the proceedings of the meeting! You'd also be very focused on making sure that all…
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Claim for personal excellence

What legitimate claims can you make that show the reality of your performance in recent weeks? Rather than a lot of spurious, dubious, dodgy, unpalletable, unacceptable and dodgy claims, we thought it might be worthwhile getting you to think about claims that should have been made, but haven't (as opposed…
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How to use video analysis to reflect on your performance

The athletes we work with often have the benefit of video analysis of their training sessions, taken for them by their coach. Having delivered a training session, the coach and athlete will sit down and analyse the "performance", sometimes frame by frame to determine how effectivley fundamentals have been delivered…
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Team commitment from the insect world!

Click here to watch a video of how they have adapted to deal with their home being flooded. No, this isn't simply an ant team building challenge in the Amazon! These ants understand what team primacy is. Forming a raft from just their linked together bodies they float as a colony…
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Redefining standards

This is so good, we thought we should put it on our blog and bring attention to the messages AXA are promoting at the moment. Our experience of working with some of their front line teams also allows us to see how the attitudes within this great commercial are actually…
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Self leadership is perhaps the common denominator of all of the great people we've worked with. Sure they're great at leading other people but this is always possible because they start by leading themselves. These great leaders constantly know that they need to challenge themselve to be ready to "perform"…
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Elite Sales…

Do you work with people in sales? You should really check out our elitesales performance system® . We're getting some consistently wonderful reviews about this programme and the impact it's having on even the most hardened of sales professionals. We love the idea of "earning your place on the team",…
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A self-serving book recommendation!

For any people interested in the psychology of sport... why not buy this lovely new book? You'll see in there a contribution about our work within the GB Rowing team... go on, treat yourselves! (or buy it for someone who's studying in this area! might be a better option)
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Mental Toughness…

In some research we were involved in a few years ago, we found a couple of interesting things out about people who were voted as very mentally tough by folks who understood their world. First thing was that mentally tough people had confidence that didn't break down easily - it…
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Your 8 best or your best 8? Parallels nicely with our experience of helping to shape these mindsets, rather than simply observe them and comment on what is witnessed. Being focussed on "how do we need to be, as individuals and a crew?" is very different from simply observing "how…
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